Friday, December 30, 2011

Light trep ida tion of rain out the wind ow. It has been rain ing, how long I do not know, I have been look ing at the comp uter, but then I saw it, a trembling little need led silver move ment, silver frott age rap id move ing in the air outside bet ween the wind ow and the opp osite store house, dark gray, light sil ver, slivers so thin slim down dash diag onal.
Diag onal dash of rain, so many tons (? (Does it make sense to ask how much at all, beyond poetic convention and use?)) of water fall ing sp read out in long rinn els of drip drop fast dash dash flows, strai ght tremble ing on the flow, grey firm curt ain of large tonn age rain, flutt ered by turbu lence, begg ining the race amongst the clouds, long fall down mil es of air to be earth drink, drop melt diss olve into loam amongst foam of other fall ing drops, same nejtš ure.

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